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    Mad River Local Schools’ Gifted Program provides identified students with academic services at an advanced level and accelerated pace due to their ability to comprehend and process information. Services provide instruction in the core content areas of language arts, social studies, science and math. Instruction is designed to meet students’ cognitive and academic needs at the appropriate level.

    The state of Ohio defines a gifted student as one who “performs or shows potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment. Learn more about gifted students

    Mad River School District Gifted Referral Information

    The district accepts referrals, screens and identifies, or screens and reassesses students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, and/or visual and/or performing arts. The district must follow policy and procedures established in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15. These rules specify that assessment instruments must come from the list approved by the Ohio Department of Education. 

    Gifted Identification & Screening

    A student is identified as gifted based upon nationally-normed standardized tests which fall on the ODE Approved Assessments for the Purpose of Gifted Screening/Identification List (available at:http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Gifted-Education/Gifted-Screening-and-Identification/Chart-of-Approved-Assessment-and-Gifted-Education)

    It is important to determine whether additional assessment for the purpose of gifted screening/identification is appropriate and necessary for each student.  Consideration of service options and selection criteria needed for programming eligibility is imperative to ensure that the most appropriate decisions are made. Many enrichment opportunities, arts-related opportunities, Honors courses, AP courses, etc. may not require gifted identification and/or may use other student selection criteria.  Assessment is helpful when it is useful and assists a student in attaining the most rigorous and appropriate courses/programs possible.

    “How Do I Know If A Child Is Gifted?”
    |There are many characteristics of gifted students which may be helpful when making the decision whether to refer a child for gifted screening and/or assessment.  The list available HERE may provide guidance.

    Referral for Gifted Screening/Identification                     

    The district ensures that there are ample and appropriate scheduling procedures for assessments and reassessment using:

    • Individually-administered tests
    • Checklists
    • Group Tests

    Children may be referred on an ongoing basis, based on the following:

    • Child request (self-referral);
    • Teacher recommendation;
    • Parent/guardian request;
    • Child referral of peer; and/or
    • Other (i.e. psychologist, community members, principal, gifted coordinator, etc.)

    Questions regarding a child's gifted learner identification should first be directed to the child's teacher or Student Services at (937) 259-6603 for more information regarding the district's gifted education program.