Oneview - Back to School Forms
If you submitted Back to School forms last year or you enrolled a new student into our district for the current school year, you will access the Oneview parent portal and log in with your parent account username and password to access your student's Back to School Forms.
- Follow this link to create a NEW parent account for a new student registration or to sign into your current/active parent account https://madriver.esvportal.com/
- Directions for Submitting Back to School Forms
The district now requires parents/guardians to complete back to school forms, including Student Demographic and EMA (emergency medical authorization) forms utilizing the OneView system. This online system will now replace the paper forms that were distributed at the start of every school year.
The online information that you submit for your student(s) helps ensure that we have the most up-to-date information pertaining to your student(s). Also, should any information pertaining to your child change throughout the school year, we ask that you update the information through the OneView system.
Please keep in the mind the following as you are working through creating your account, filling in the required information and submitting your online forms:- Note your username, password and pin code for your account. This will be the only way to access your student account.
- Fill in ALL required areas and pay close attention to the spelling of names, streets, phone numbers, etc.
- Be sure to answer ALL questions, including those that may require a Y or N.
- Please feel free to contact your student’s building should you have any questions or problems when accessing the system.
Information relating to accessing your student's form is listed in the column on the left side of this webpage. Please choose the one that best fits your need of assistance. If you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact your student's assigned building or Mrs. Shuttleworth at 259-6603 or email heather.shuttleworth@madriverschools.org.
- Directions for Creating a NEW Account
- Linking Student Accounts
- Submitting Back to School Forms - Current School year
- Forgot Credentials
- Forgot My Password
- Forgot My Pin Code