QR Code

Scan the QR code if you are planning a college visit.

  • Participation in visitation days is a privilege! The criteria below will be evaluated in determining the appropriateness of each visitation.

    1. Students must be junior or senior status. Juniors are permitted one visitation day (during semester 2). Seniors are permitted 2 visitation days. Visitations will not be permitted during the first and last week of each quarter.

    2. Students must be on track for graduation.

    3. This form needs to be completed at least 14 days prior to the visitation date.

    4. You will receive an email from your School Counselor that your visit was approved.

    5. YOU MUST BRING VERIFICATION OF YOUR COLLEGE VISIT to Mrs. Toscani (Office A) the next school day after your visit. This can be a college/university/institution signed business card that includes contact information and their signature, a note with their contact information, an email to your School Counselor etc. Incomplete signatures/verification will result in an unauthorized absence!