The purpose of the Stebbins Alumni Association is to reunite the community and Mad River School District with alumni in an effort to form a solid bond between the past and present. Our mission is to promote education by providing scholarships to deserving students, fostering friendships formed by alumni, and providing a means of keeping the Indian spirit alive.
The three main goals of the Alumni Association are to...
- Develop a closer connection between school and alumni by encouraging alumni involvement in school activities.
- Enhance the educational experience by supporting academic and enrichment activities for all Mad River Schools.
- Promote camaraderie and networking among alumni
In addition, it is our hope to create a scholarship fund and support many of the existing educational and extra-curricular programs taking place at the high school. This type of support and cooperation from our alumni is essential in helping our school district to offer the best possible program to students each and every year.
Stebbins High School Alumni Association Officers
Katie Holland Vice President Katequake11@gmail.com
Mitch Lambert Treasurer tacomitch@aol.com
Bev Sherwood Secretary bevsherwood@gmail.com
Megan Powell Trustee Megandonaldson42@gmail.com