•                            Welcome to First Grade!
    This website has been created as a quick and easy way for you to stay connected to your child's learning. Thank you for visiting and please come back often to see all the special things going on in our classroom (I will be updating my class website by the end of Oct.).

    The first bell rings at 8:00 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:10 a.m. Please make sure your child arrives to school on time so they are ready for the day. Morning announcements start at 8:10 a.m. and morning work activities.


    The school lunch is $1.95 and milk only is 50 cents. I would encourage you to keep money on your child's lunch account, so your child does not have to be responsible for it at school.

    FIRST GRADE DISMISSAL at 2:05 p.m.
    (2nd-4th grade will be dismissed at 2:10 p.m.)

    Please remind your child where to meet you after school. All students are dismissed out the front door or the back door by the music room. If you are going to be late picking up your child, please notify the office, so your child will not get worried.

    If you are looking to donate items for the classroom, we  are always in need of new unused items for our BIG and small treasure box.  The students enjoy earning candy treats, special pencils,  erasers, book marks, and small party favors for completing  weekly homework assignments, good behavior, and rewards for special activities.  I usually try to keep my BIG treasure box filled with prizes  from The Dollar Store. The children LOVE going to treasure box at the end of each reward period for good behavior at school.

    Please READ daily with your child. Your child needs to practice his/her new A-Z leveled booksMonday-Friday in their Book Buddy Bag.
    The more they read....The better reader they will be!
