Spinning Hills students are treated as individuals and are encouraged to balance their curricular learning through participation in a wide range of co-curricular activities. The middle school provides a variety of co-curricular activities that allow students to participate at levels of their abilities, skills, and interests,such as student council, art club, music programs and after school intramurals. Spinning Hills uses positive behavior intervention supports to promote self-discipline.
The faculty is an exciting mix of experienced and newer teachers who are innovative and strive to meet the needs of all students and all state mandates on curriculum and instruction. Class sizes allow for excellent pupil/teacher ratios. The support staff is devoted to prompt, courteous, and efficient service.
Our PTO is a strong working force and continually provides generous financial support and volunteers to benefit students, staff, and departments. The assistance from the PTO helps provide vital links in building a strong bond within the school community.
Amid a friendly and family atmosphere, students are made to feel at home in a school that is diverse. Our commitment is always to prepare our students for future success. Spinning Hills truly is: A Safe Community where Respect and Education are Top Priorities.