Mr. Chad Wyen, Superintendent of Schools
Thank you for visiting the Mad River Locals Schools’ website. We are looking forward to another great year and the continuation of our positive climb to becoming a 5 Star school district. In the past few years, the district has seen an upward trend in student achievement with increases in our overall academic success on the district report card.
The Mad River School District serves more than 3,800 students with a wide range of interests and needs. We are proud of our strong educational programs for all students, pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Our award-winning school district can be attributed to the tireless work of our dedicated staff, strong parental involvement, and a supportive and generous community.
Our district and its schools have earned local, state, and national accolades for accomplishments in academic and co-curricular activities. Additionally, partnerships with area colleges, local and state businesses, and civic groups support our mission "to create successful educational experiences for all the students we serve through diverse opportunities."
The school district takes a great amount of pride in seeing that students are successful in what they attempt to pursue. We are extremely proud of the many accomplishments of our students in their academic studies, athletic competitions, and performing arts. We invite community participation in all school events and welcome suggestions for improvement.
This school year is going to be an outstanding one in the Mad River School District. I hope you join me in our effort to help all of our students reach their potential and achieve their goals. Please feel free, at any time, to contact me by email or by calling (937) 259-6606.
Mr. Chad Wyen
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Chad Wyen