Board of Education
Meeting Information
There are twelve regularly scheduled meetings each year, on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 P.M. in the boardroom of the Administrative Offices. Meeting days and times may be rescheduled to accommodate Board Member schedules and holidays, so check the Board calendar for actual meeting dates and times.
Meetings of the Board are conducted in public, except for executive sessions during which Board members may discuss only certain types of business as defined by Ohio law. Examples of executive session matters are personnel issues, union contract negotiations, the sale or purchase of property, and legal matters. Ohio's law requires that all school board voting must be done in public. Therefore, executive sessions are for discussion purposes only and no action is taken during executive sessions.Board Agenda
Copies of the board’s agenda are available at the Administrative Offices. The agendas are also located near the entrance to the board meeting and contain the following:- Information about last month’s meeting
- Monthly school reports
- Items for action
- Approved board minutes are also available online.
Citizen Input at Meetings
The Mad River Board of Education welcomes public participation at its board meetings during the Public Comment portion of the agenda. The intent of allowing citizens to speak at Board meetings is to provide Board members with information that will assist them in making better decisions. Following the end of the board meeting, the President may ask for public comment. This is the time for the public to provide opinions or information about an item. The following rules must be followed by anyone addressing the Board:- The speaker must state their name, address, and organization if representing one
- A maximum of three (3) minutes will be allowed for each speaker; (15) minutes per group.
- No person may speak more than once on the same issue.
- Speakers must refrain from personal remarks that might be construed as slanderous, defamation of character, or an invasion of personal rights.
- The Board may ask questions of the speaker.
The Role of the School Board
The main roles of the Board of Education are to set policies for the School District and to hire a Superintendent and Treasurer to administer those policies. They are the official policymaking body of the school district. As elected officials, Board members strive to develop policies that will provide the best scope, depth, and quality of education possible for every student in the Mad River School District.
The Mad River Board of Education consists of five citizens elected to serve four-year terms. The public nominates Board of Education candidates by petition. They are elected at the November general election in odd-numbered years. The Board meets during the first 15 days of January and elects a president and vice president to serve for the coming year. Each Board member represents all the citizens of the Mad River School District while focusing on what is best for the district's students.Board Responsibilities:
- Defining the philosophy of the district
- Setting goals and objectives to achieve desired educational progress
- Employing professional administrators and educators to meet those goals
- Establishing policies for the operation of the school district
- Establishing the effectiveness of district programs and services
- Approving a budget consistent with educational needs and community resources
- Communicating the needs and progress of the district to the community, educational governing boards, and legislators
Central Office Administration (L-R) Jerry Ellender, Treasurer; Necia Nicholas, Human Resources Director; Chad Wyen, Superintendent\; Krista Wagner, Assistant Superintendent
Superintendent’s Role
The Superintendent of Schools is employed by the Board to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the School District, to carry out Board policies, and to administer the schools on a day-to-day basis. He/she is not a member of the board. The Superintendent is responsible to the Board, while all other employees of the district, either directly or indirectly, are responsible to the Superintendent. The exception is the Treasurer and his staff.Treasurer's Role
The Treasurer is employed by the Board to serve as the Chief Financial Officer for the District and to administer, in cooperation with the Superintendent, the business operations, financial, legal, and contractual business of the school district. He/she is not a member of the Board. The Treasurer reports directly to the Board of Education.