The Stebbins High School Guidance Department provides a strong counseling program for our students.
Our counselors help students find the many opportunities available to them in high school and beyond. Our goal is to provide each student with a rich background of academic preparation and interest/character building opportunities to help them be more fully prepared for the future.
By closely working with our students, we seek to help them find their best choices for career, college and post-secondary education. Please contact us if you have any questions about our program or if you would like to discuss your student's coursework or plans for future education.
Our department consists of:
Stebbins Guidance - (937) 237-4250(937) 999-4208 FaxJacque Henson-Wetzel, Registar Ext. 7169All GRADESSarah Neves, Counselor A-C Ext.7187Todd Barnhart, Counselor D-J Ext.7184Zac Watson, Counselor K-Q Ext. 7183Jeff Mann, Counselor R-Z Ext. 7185