• Welcome to Mrs. Mossing's

    Fabulous First Grade

     Mrs Mossing


    Mrs. Mossing



    1. We have snack every day at 9:15 so please send a healthy snack choice with your child. (No juice boxes please, only water.)
    2. Monday and Wednesday are Gym class, so insure that your child has running shoes on those days.
    3. Monday's are 'Be Kind' day at BG so be sure to wear your Be Kind shirt!
    4. Friday's are 'Spirit Day' at BG so wear BG t-shirts or just Red and Gray!
    Our schedule for specials this year is:
    Wednesday and Friday - Music
    Monday and Thursday- Gym
    *make sure your child is wearing the proper gym shoes on this day*
    Tuesday- Library
    *return library books on Wednesday to ensure they get to check out a new book*
    Computer Lab - TBD
    Computer lab
    Last updated: September 3, 2020