• stem The Mad River School District is proud to offer a strong STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education for students from kindergarten through grade 12.

    What is STEM?

    STEM education focuses on students' engagement in the teaching of subject areas such as mathematics and science by incorporating technology and engineering into the regular curriculum. STEM education attempts to transform the typical teacher-centered classroom by encouraging a curriculum that is driven by problem-solving, discovery, exploratory learning, and requires students to actively engage in a situation in order to find its solution.

    Why Focus on STEM?

    STEM education has become increasingly popular as parents and policymakers realize the critical role it plays in enabling the United States to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace. According to a recent U.S. Department of Commerce report, "The greatest advancements in our society from medicine to mechanics have come from the minds of those interested in or studying in the areas of STEM."

    STEM in Mad River

    In addition to STEM opportunities throughout the district, we offer STEM support through Project Lead the Way (PLTW) - a nationally recognized program that emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, innovation, and real-world problem-solving.

    Elementary Schools:  Students use scientific, technological, and mathematical principles in real-life applications. They use what they know about what already exists (science, math, and technology) to create new ideas and products (engineering). The inquiry-based instructional program nurtures students’ spirit of curiosity, questioning, reflection, openness to new ideas, and respect for evidence.

    Project Lead the Way (PLTW):  Based on a belief that “curiosity rules”, PLTW considers every classroom an innovation zone. Classrooms are transformed into spaces filled with the latest design software, advanced materials, and cutting-edge equipment. They buzz with project-based assignments, like programming robots and analyzing DNA samples.

    Middle School: Students can enroll in PLTW’s Gateway to Technology units that explore energy, the environment, modeling, robotics, technology, and other STEM-related topics. The activities-oriented curriculum challenges and engages the natural curiosity of students while sparking an interest in STEM subjects and preparing students for further study in high school.

    Stebbins High School:  Students can explore a variety of PLTW’s Pathway to Engineering courses, which explore the design process and link STEM principles to relevant problem-solving activities. Courses complement traditional mathematics and science courses and prepare students to pursue post-secondary education and careers in STEM-related fields.

    Staff are involved in rigorous training in STEM principles as well as ongoing support in the courses they teach. PLTW’s hands-on, project-based program engages students on multiple levels, exposes them to subjects that they typically would not pursue, provides them with a strong foundation for achieving their academic goals in any chosen field of study and, if pursued, establishes a proven path to college and career success in STEM-related industries.

    Current STEM Activities & Cultures

    Senior Project
    STEM Fellows
    WAPFB Fifth Grade Program
    21st Century Learning PD
    Inquiry-Based Instruction
    Interdisciplinary Work
    Lego Building
    Individual Teachers & Projects
    STEM Camp
    Think TV
    Modeling & Simulation Class
    Ohio School Board Association Magazine Recognition for STEM Guitar Project
    Guitar Building
    Robotics Competition
    Lego Building Competition
    Interdisciplinary Instruction
    WPAFB Research Lab Participation
    Wizards of Wright
    Middle School Science Teachers Science Projects for Elementary Students
    Development of Process Skills throughout Curriculum
    Comprehensive High School with Career Technical Education