• Current Building Leadership Team will focus on the building mission and improving student results utilizing data.

    The objective of our Building Level Teams is to identify the areas of improvement and create plans to successfully implement change.  The BLT has the ability to repurpose teams, or form teams as needed. The BLT monitors the TBT teams and knows where they are at in their stages of development. The BLT has a person who guides discussion and regulates group activities and contributions, a person who monitors the time and a person who coordinates the data. The BLT uses the buildings decision framework BDF, to identify critical needs and develop a focused plan aligned with the goals and strategies of the district. The team makes sure that data is shared across all levels. The BLT also uses the Ohio 5 step Improvement Process to make decisions and complete the work. 

    Teacher Based Teams: We currently have Teacher Based Teams that meet weekly on Thursday's from 2:20-3:10pm. The purpose of the teams is to assess student learning using the formative assessment data we collect on students (Unit Assessments, Star Early Literacy,  Intervention Data, Star to name a few). The teams organize and present the data in ways that identify gaps and trends in student performance. The team then makes intentional decisions about teaching and learning (curriculum, instruction, interventions). Student progress is constantly monitored in meeting performance targets using the classroom, building, or course data.