• Stebbins High School’s procedures for military personnel have been revised to better serve our students and the community.

    Lunch Table Setups

    Please email Principal Tina Simpson (tina.simpson@madriverschools.org) and Building Secretary Rhonda Pearson (rhonda.pearson@madriverschools.org) to set up a date and time to come in.  Military personnel will park in the front visitor’s parking lot and enter through the main entrance (Harshman Rd. side of the building).  You will need to sign in as a visitor and a staff member will escort you to the cafeteria.  Military personnel who set-up during lunch will now be able to “mingle” with students as they eat their lunch. 

    Military Forms/Requests for Information

    Forms that need to be completed by a Guidance Counselor, Administrator, or Stebbins staff member will be given to Guidance Secretary Mrs. Henson-Wetzel. Stebbins must have written permission from a student’s parents/legal guardian to release records/information if the student is under 18.  It takes up to 5 business days from the date of request to receive records. 

    Student lists/directory information can be requested from Rhonda Pearson, Building Secretary.  Prior to releasing information, Mrs. Pearson must have an updated Board Policy signature page from the individual requesting the information.

     Classroom Visits

    Classroom visits must be scheduled in advance.  Please email the teacher directly, but copy Principal Tina Simpson and Building Secretary Rhonda Pearson into the email too.  Stebbins classroom teacher emails can be found on the Stebbins website under Mad River Schools/Stebbins/Staff.  This is also the procedure to visit our AFJROTC classrooms.